Is Learning to Sing Harder as an Adult?

Is Learning to Sing Harder as an Adult?

Oct 27 · 4 min read

Do you wish you could sing, but think it's too late for you to start? Well, I'm a singer and a voice teacher, so I get asked this question a lot—especially from people who are in their 20s and 30s. They want to know if learning to sing as an adult is harder than learning when you're young.

It's very difficult to say that learning to sing is harder in adulthood because people progress at different rates.

One of the most important things to remember when you’re learning to sing is that it’s not a race. You don’t have to be a certain age or have certain qualifications in order to start taking lessons. In fact, some people may find it easier and more enjoyable if they start later in life rather than earlier for various reasons.

The only thing that matters is finding the right teacher who can help guide your journey as you learn how to sing better and better over time until you reach your goals! But no matter where you are on your path, make sure you stay patient with yourself because everyone progresses at different rates depending on their experience level and ability level (and sometimes even age).

So if you’re just getting started, take baby steps. Start by listening to music that you love and try to sing along with it in the shower or while driving in your car. You’ll probably notice that the pitch is off from time to time—that’s ok! It doesn’t matter how bad you sound at first because nobody else will hear these mistakes besides yourself.

Growing up isn't the only time your voice changes

Did you know that your voice changes throughout life? It's true: as an adult, your vocal cords are thicker than they were when you were a kid and they require more air to produce sound. This means that over time, you'll need to learn how to speak with greater clarity in order to effectively communicate what's on your mind or in your heart.

As for singers—no matter what age—the act of singing itself changes the way we use our voices instinctively. For example, many people who take up singing lessons for the first time find that their speaking voices change quite substantially after just a few months of practice. But whether it's because of growing up or changing biologically from puberty onward, there's no denying that something happens between childhood and adulthood with respect to our ability—and desire—to express ourselves through song.

How does your voice box effect your singing?

The voice box, or larynx, is the structure that houses your vocal cords. As a child and young adult, this part of your body grows rapidly and eventually stabilizes by the time you hit puberty. According to a study published in The Journal of Voice, even though it reaches its maximum size around age 17 or 18 (and stays at that size until you’re about 40), there are still some changes that can occur as you age.

As you get older, your throat may become drier and produce less saliva — which can make singing harder since saliva helps keep your voice box moist. The cartilage around your vocal cords may also become weaker due to wear-and-tear over time; this means there's less flexibility when opening up for a big note or belting out "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." If these issues aren't addressed with proper care from both a medical professional and vocal coach (more on that later), they could lead to more serious problems such as nodules or polyps on the vocal cords themselves.

Developing your singing requires a healthy lifestyle

As an adult, you may have less control over your environment than you did as a child. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any things you can do to help your singing voice develop healthily. It is important to develop healthy habits and avoid behaviors that will make it more difficult for your voice to recover from singing.

A good diet and regular exercise are essential in keeping your vocal cords healthy. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will provide essential nutrients that help keep the body strong and healthy, which in turn helps keep the voice strong as well!

Avoid smoking or excessive alcohol consumption to ensure that your muscles stay strong enough to support proper breathing while singing.

Cut down on caffeine intake because it can cause dehydration which can lead to dryness in the throat or mouth when singing; however caffeine does help increase focus so if this is something you need then try taking breaks from drinking caffeinated drinks before rehearsals or performances so as not overdo it! Check out our voice lessons in Redmond.

You don't have to start young to succeed

One of the most common myths about learning to sing is that it's only possible if you start training young. But this couldn't be further from the truth! Singing has been a passion for me since I was in high school, and while I do wish I'd started when I was younger so that my voice had more time to develop naturally, there are plenty of benefits to learning now.

You don't have to start training young to succeed. In fact, even if you start later than your peers (or at least later than their parents) and train hard enough, there's no reason why someone should be able to keep up with those who did begin earlier—even if all else is equal in terms of talent or potential.

It may be helpful or necessary to take singing lessons as an adult

I think it depends on the person. Some people learn to sing quickly, and some take a little more time. That's just how humans are wired.

It also depends on what you mean by "harder." The challenge for me wasn't learning the basics; it was figuring out how to put them together in a way that sounded pleasing and natural. But once my teacher gave me some tips, it all started coming together pretty quickly!

You can definitely learn to sing as an adult! I did! And if your goal is just to have fun with music and enjoy yourself, then why not start now?

We hope that this article has helped you understand how to get the most out of your singing lessons as an adult. Keep in mind that it's not impossible, and if you really want to learn how to sing, you'll find a way!

Charlie Fergson
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