Do All Singers Take Voice Lessons?

Do All Singers Take Voice Lessons?

Sep 22 · 4 min read

If you're a singer, chances are you've considered taking voice lessons. But do all singers take voice lessons? As a professional singer myself, I can tell you that yes, almost all professional singers take voice lessons at some point in their careers. Even if they don't currently have a teacher or choose not to take them right now, it's likely that they at one time did—or will! However, there are also plenty of people who simply don't take them because they already sound great or have learned how to sing well through trial-and-error (or being born with natural talent).


For the majority of singers, private voice lessons are a part of their training.

When it comes to singing everyone is starting at a different place. Singing is different from playing an instrument because your voice (your instrument) is part of your body and cannot be changed easily. With most instruments you start on a beginner version of the instrument and then graduate to a semi-professional and then professional instrument. As you level up on the instrument you get the added bonus of playing a better instrument. This is not the case with voice.

You are born with the vocal cords you are born with. This means that you are some what limited by your instrument. Unfortunately some people are born with better instruments than others. Freddie Mercury notoriously refused to alter his teeth because he was worried it would affect his vocal performance. He was blessed with a certain mouth shape that might have attributed to him having one of the most powerful singing voices ever.

Since you are limited by your instrument, private voice lessons can be very beneficial. Your teacher can help you learn how to use your voice to its full potential. We have many qualified teachers who teach private voice lessons in Redmond.


Many professional singers take voice lessons from time to time.

Even though they might not like to admit it, most professional singers take voice lessons or work with a vocal coach every once and awhile. The voice is a very complex instrument and singing is complicated as well. You don't want to hurt your voice and a vocal coach can help you not hurt yourself. Vocal coaches also work with singers when they are in the studio and need to perfect their performance for the recording. Kuk Harrell notoriously worked with Rihanna when she was in the studio. He is one of the greatest vocal coaches of all time.

Of course opera singers all had/have private vocal teachers. Singing opera is a very hard skill to learn and one cannot learn it by themself.


For some, singing at a professional level is not the primary focus. It is ok to sing just because it is fun.

For some, singing at a professional level is not the primary focus. It is ok to sing just because it is fun. Singing can be an excellent hobby for people who have time and want to learn about music as well as themselves. Some people may enjoy singing in their spare time because they like how their voice sounds or they like being around others that share similar interests. For others, they may want to get involved with choirs so they feel more connected with others and learn how to blend into a group sound. If you're interested in voice lessons you should check out our voice lessons in Redmond.


Not all singers have natural singing talent.

Not everyone is born with natural talent, but don't let that discourage you! Everyone can learn to become a better singer. With some hard work and a decent amount of practice you can improve you singing. Don't let people make you feel bad about your singing ability. Everyone's voice is beautiful in its own way. Just listen to Buika:

She does not have the most conventionally beautiful voice but so many people love her singing. It's very emotional and powerful. Don't let your natural voice make you think you cannot sing. Plus voice lessons will almost always help you improve.

Some singers are just average without lessons but with lessons they can become good.

I personally know so many people who have had their singing go through the roof from voice lessons. Hard work always out does natural talent. Someone might start way ahead of you because they are talented, but don't let that discourage you. With hard work you can sing as well as you favorite singers, it just takes dedication and years of practice. It might be worth it though, singing can bring a lot of joy into peoples' hearts.


Some people are great at singing without any kind of training. They sing along with their favorite singers and mimic them. That is how they learn to sing well.

Singing along with your favorite singers is a great way to learn how to sing, especially if you have the ability to mimic their style and sound. You can do this anywhere, anytime and you will see improvement in your voice as it comes naturally when you are having fun!

All singers should always be open to learning new things or practicing old techniques.

Singing along with your favorite singers is a great way to learn how to sing, especially if you have the ability to mimic their style and sound. You can do this anywhere, anytime and you will see improvement in your voice as it comes naturally when you are having fun!

The role of a vocal teacher is to help someone find a healthy way to use their unique voice and learn how to do it well so that they can continue doing it safely for as long as they want—and maybe even make some money at it!

Everyones' voice is different, that's one of this things that makes the world beautiful. You should embrace the natural characteristics of your voice. Unless you are doing something to damage your voice, like vocal fry:

Vocal fry is not healthy and can damage your vocal cords. This is not a natural part of your voice. Aside from bad habits like this, you should embrace your voice, take some vocal lessons like the pros do and learn how to really use the instrument you were born with.

Good luck!

Charlie Fergson
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