Are Musicians Born or Made?

Are Musicians Born or Made?

Nov 11 · 4 min read

I've always been a fan of music, and I've always wondered how it all works. Does talent come naturally? Or does it require hard work? Well, the answer is a little bit of both. Let's dive into this question by exploring some of the scientific research about musical ability and aptitude.

Is there such thing as a 'musical person'?

You might be wondering: Is there such thing as a "musical person"?

The answer, of course, is no. But what does that mean exactly? Well, I think it's important to remember that we're all different. We have different skills and talents, interests and tastes—and these things also change over time.

I know this because I've had plenty of friends who have been really into music at some point in their lives but then lost interest for whatever reason and never picked up an instrument again. Or maybe they did pick up an instrument later on (usually when they were older), but didn't turn out to be very good at it; or maybe even just decided that playing wasn't something they wanted to do after all.

So while being able to play an instrument might help your chances of making music as a career path someday—or even just having fun with your friends—it's not necessary for everyone!

Are all musicians born with a natural talent?

The Mozart effect is the idea that listening to classical music can improve your mental abilities. Studies have shown that children who listen to Mozart before taking IQ tests score higher than kids who don't. Researchers concluded that this is because classical music has a complex structure and rhythm, which stimulates areas of the brain responsible for spatial reasoning and problem-solving. But what about people who aren't born with those skills? Can they be taught how to play an instrument? And if so, how long does it take them to get good at it?

The 10,000 hour rule says that if you spend 10,000 hours doing something you'll become an expert in it. In practice this means spending eight hours every day practicing for 15 years will make you world class (or at least pretty darn good). Psychologist K Anders Ericsson showed that even though some people have more innate ability than others when it comes time for them all their hard work pays off equally over time: "What makes experts successful is not so much their innate gifts but rather their dedication," he told The Guardian in 1997; "deliberate practice involves setting aside chunks of time for focused improvement."

What do you need to become a musician?

To become a musician, you need a musical instrument. You also need to find a good teacher who will help you learn to play the instrument and teach you how to read music as well as how to play in different styles of music.

Next, practice! Practice every day until it feels like second nature. If something is too hard for you, ask your teacher for help until it becomes easier. And don't give up! As they say, "Practice makes perfect," so keep practicing until you can do everything perfectly without thinking about it at all! This can take years if not decades—but with persistence and dedication combined with innate talent (which most people don't have), anyone can make themselves into accomplished musicians by working hard enough at this task every single day over many decades.

What makes someone talented at music?

There are many different skills that can help make someone a good musician. Some of these skills involve: the ability to pick up new skills quickly, a good memory, the ability to retain information, the ability to listen and follow instructions well, the ability to concentrate on the task at hand, and being able to play by ear.

Famous musicians who learnt late.

What's more, some famous musicians didn't even learn to play their instrument until they were well into adulthood. For example, Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam) learned to play guitar at 16 when his mom gave him a cheap acoustic guitar as a birthday present. A year later, he dropped out of high school and started playing in bands around California.

Jimi Hendrix didn't start playing guitar until he was 17 years old! John Lennon didn't learn to play the guitar until he was 20 years old either; Paul McCartney only started learning when he was 15!

We are great at some things and awful at others, but in the end it all comes down to practice.

We are great at some things and awful at others, but in the end it all comes down to practise. As a musician, it is not enough to just have a natural talent – you need to put in the hours if you want to succeed.

The way we think about talent is often wrong. We tend to think of it as something that can't be changed or worked on, leading many young musicians (and other performers) into a cycle of self-sabotage where they don't try hard enough because they believe their limitations are set in stone. But no matter how good you get at what you do, your work will always improve with practice. It doesn't matter how talented someone else is: unless they keep working hard every day they'll never become great!

Of course there is an element of luck involved too: having access to a good teacher or mentor when starting out can make all the difference between success and failure later on down the line!

This is a very interesting question, and the answer is not quite as simple as you might think. There are many factors that go into making a musician and many reasons why people pursue different paths in life. Some people love music so much that they would do anything to express themselves through it; others want fame or money and may even be willing to sacrifice the joy of playing for their own gain. What does this mean for those who start out with no natural ability but still dream of being famous musicians? Well, above all else, it's important to remember that anyone can do anything if they work hard enough at it—and if you're willing to put in the time required! To get started check out our music lessons in Redmond

Charlie Fergson
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